Posted on 4/22/2023

What Causes My Car To Overheat? Quite a few things can cause your car to overheat. It can be as simple as the coolant being low. If you have a low coolant condition, there is usually a reason that it is low. It could be anything from a loose connection to a Head Gasket going bad that allows the engine to burn coolant. A pressure tester needs to be hooked to the cooling system when it’s cold and then the tool pressurizes the cooling system. This way if it is leaking you will be able to find it. If there is no external leak and you still wonder, Why Does My Car Overheat it could be the water pump may be going bad and not able to move coolant fast enough through the system. Also, the Radiator could be getting plugged or restricted enough that it won’t allow the coolant to flow through. If all these check out and are working as designed, it’s possible that the Head Gasket could be bad, and the Engine is Burning Coolant. A lot of times when this happens you may notic ... read more
Posted on 4/8/2023

Why Does My Diesel Engine Make A Popping Noise. There are several different things that can cause this to happen. Another question we get is Why Does My Diesel Engine Blow White Smoke. There are times that a diesel engine can exhibit both symptoms at the same time. First, we’ll look at what causes a popping sound in the engine. Depending on the issue in the engine you may only hear this at idle and it goes away when you rev it up or it may get louder when the engine RPM goes up. This sound can be caused by a Leaking Intake Valve, Broken Rocker Arm, or Bent Push rod. If you hear this noise in your engine it’s best to stop driving your truck and get it towed to minimize the damage to your engine. On the other hand, if your truck is blowing bluish white smoke out the exhaust it may be possible that the exhaust valve may be sticking open or the exhaust valve is burnt and creating a compression loss in cylinder. When this happens, it can’t burn the fuel in the cylinder, an ... read more