Posted on 11/26/2022

Why Do My Truck Brake Lights Stay On. Several things can make this happen. Something as simple as the Brake Light Switch sticking will make your Brake Lights stay on. Another reason the Brake Lights may stay lit while driving is a shorted/melted fuse panel. Bare wires in the wire harness for the brake lights can be hard to find. Sometimes the best fix is to replace the whole wiring harness. If your Truck has Brake Lights that stay on or don’t work at all give us a call we can fix any of your electrical issues that your Truck may have
Posted on 11/15/2022

Why Does My Check Engine Light Keep Coming On. This is a question we get asked about frequently. The Check Engine Light is supposed to come on when the vehicles emission levels increase 1.5% above EPA emissions standards. The vehicles onboard computer is monitoring the sensors and the oxygen content in the exhaust. The PCM can correct for small problems such as engine wear and fuel quality to a certain extent. If a sensor sends back a reading that is higher than the emission standards the Check Engine Light comes on. When you take your vehicle to a shop to get checked out, they hook a scan tool to your vehicle. This helps to get the codes and a diagnostic starting point. One of the misconceptions that is out there is the scan tool tells you what part to replace and then your Check Engine Light will go off. While this may happen once in a great while the truth is that a lot of parts get replaced that don’t need to be and ends up costing you, the consumer a lot more money than ... read more
Posted on 11/5/2022

What Can I Do To Get Better Gas Mileage? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question. Something as simple as your TIRES not having the proper air pressure in them can contribute to poor Fuel Mileage. Another easy thing to have your shop check is the Wheel Alignment on your vehicle. Not only does this help you save money on gas, but it also helps Tire Wear on your car and tires will last longer. If the Check Engine Light is on in your vehicle this can also contribute to poor Gas Mileage. When your Check Engine Light comes on it’s best to get it checked out. It may be simple things such as broken vacuum lines to the intake. When this happens the Mass Air Flow Sensor can’t read the correct amount of air flowing into your engine. When this happens the PCM uses other sensors to correct the amount of fuel it adds to the engine. If you feel that your car is Getting Bad Gas Mileage, give us a call and we can check your vehicle over and give you recommendations to help y ... read more