Posted on 7/18/2023

Inspect the axles for signs of excessive wear, such as bent or cracked components, rust, or considerable damage. If the axles are old or have a history of inadequate maintenance, it may be wise to replace them preventively, even if there are no visible signs of damage. Aging components can be prone to failure and pose safety risks, also if the trailer has been subject to excessive weight loads beyond its specified ability, the axles may become overstressed and cause them to bend. Not all trailer axle bends are severe or visually obvious, and sometimes detecting a bent trailer axle can be challenging. However, a sign that you have a bent trailer axle is the cause of uneven tire wear, produce strange noises while in motion. For example, A bent axle can cause rubbing or scraping sounds as the tires meet other components or the wheel well. Bent axles may also cause severe alignment issues. The first step in trailer realignment is making sure your trailer is parked ... read more