Posted on 5/13/2022

Why does my car air conditioner not blow cold air? One of the main reasons your Car Air Conditioner may not Blow Cold Air is that the Air Conditioning System has a leak in the system. While you can buy a can of refrigerant and put it in the Air Conditioning System yourself it’s not the best way to fix your Car’s Air Conditioning System. Some of the do it yourselfer cans contain sealant in them, and that sealant can plug up the small passages in the Condenser, Evaporator, or the Metering Device. All these parts can be expensive to replace. It’s a best practice to take it to a professional Air Conditioning Shop to get the Air Conditioning System leak checked with special tools that can find the leak and fix the Air Conditioning System correctly. If your Car Air Conditioner Doesn’t Blow Cold Air Give us a Call and let us help you get your Car Air Conditioner working properly
Posted on 5/1/2022
Why does my car air conditioner not blow cold air? There are various reasons that can contribute to the Air Conditioner will not blow cold air. It is possible that the Air Conditioning System has a small leak in it and that will create a low refrigerant charge in the Air Conditioning System. One of symptoms of this is warm air blowing out of the vents. Another reason is Air Compressor Clutch may not be engaging. This can be caused by an Electrical Malfunction in the Air Conditioning System. If your Car Air Conditioner blows warm air the fix can be simple, or it may be very complicated. If this happens to your vehicle give us a call and let us look at your vehicle’s Air conditioning System. We test the Air Conditioning components and give you our recommendation for fixing your Air Conditioning System. We can handle all your Air Conditioning needs from Automotive to Heavy Duty Trucks and off-road Construction Equipment