Posted on 9/3/2022

What Causes My Check Engine Light To Flash? There are quite a few reasons why your vehicle may have a Flashing Check Engine Light. Something as simple as a bad Spark Plug could cause a Flashing Check Engine Light and your vehicle to have a What Causes My Car To Vibrate At An Idle. Even Though your Check Engine Light may be on or flashing and it has a code P0300 which comes on when the Engine Control Module detects a misfire. If it’s bad enough it will set another cylinder specific code, you still must diagnose why the Engine Is Misfiring. Depending on what is causing the Check Engine Light To Flash it can take very sophisticated test equipment to find the root cause of the problem. The best way to find the root cause of the problem is to use a lab scope with pressure transducers in the cylinder, intake, and exhaust. This is the only way to find sticking valves and lifters that intermittently collapse. If your vehicle has a Flashing Check Engine light or the Check Engine Lig ... read more
Posted on 6/30/2022

Why Does My Car AC Blow Hot Air? There can be several reasons for this to find the root cause special equipment needs to be used to diagnose the AC System. We will go over several reasons Why Does My Car AC Blow Hot Air. One of the simplest reasons is a plugged Cabin Air Filter that needs to be changed. This can also contribute to Why Does My Car AC Smell Condition. A Plugged Cabin Air Filter cuts down on the amount of airflow that comes out of the vents making the inside of the car feel warmer. One of the most common reasons you may experience Why Does My Car AC Blow Hot Air is a leak in the AC System. There are special tools that you need to use to find the leak. It is not a good practice to use sealer that are made to go in your AC System this can plug up the small passages in the AC Evaporator and AC Condenser leading to more problems down the road. Another common reason that you may experience Why Does My Car AC Blow Hot Air is a Failing AC Compressor. Late model cars use a flow c ... read more
Posted on 6/21/2022

Why Does My Diesel Blow White Smoke? There are several possibilities that this can happen. One of the things to pay attention too when your Diesel Truck Blows White Smoke is the color. If it’s white that will be caused by coolant leaking into a cylinder. If the smoke color is bluish white and burns your eyes this is caused by excess fuel in a cylinder. We will look at the reasons for White Smoke first. A leaking Cylinder Head Gasket could be a cause of this. Pay attention to how long the White Smoke lasts. If it’s gone in a couple minutes the head gasket is leaking when the engine is cold, then when you start your Diesel Engine it will Blow White Smoke and be gone in a couple minutes. This is a symptom of a Head Gasket that is failing and will need replaced. Another possibility of Why Does My Diesel Blow White Smoke is a cracked EGR Cooler on later model Diesel Engines. These things need to be checked first. These are the smaller thing that if you get fixed right ... read more
Posted on 6/16/2022

Why Is My Freightliner Smoking? This can be caused by multiple things. One simple reason that this could happen is a plugged air filter. A plugged air filter would not allow the engine to get enough air for fuel that is injected into the cylinder. On a late model Freightliner Truck with a DPF & SCR system on the truck you won’t see the black smoke. What you will notice is that your Freightliner Truck will be doing more Regeneration Events. Therefore, Maintenance on your Freightliner is important. Air and Fuel Filters need to be replaced on scheduled maintenance times so that these filters don’t get a chance to cause an issue. If your Freightliner Truck is in a Derate Mode, you need Detroit Diagnostic Link to be able to fix the problem correctly. We have the Detroit Engine Software to be able to Diagnose Your Check Engine Light. If you have a late Model Freightliner truck and can see smoke coming from the stacks, it’s possible that you have a cracked DPF Filter. We ... read more
Posted on 5/22/2022

Why Does My Truck Air Conditioner Freeze Up? There are several that your Truck Air Conditioner Can Freeze Up. One of the possibilities is to much moisture in the Air Conditioning System. In this instance what needs to be done is hook an AC Recovery Machine to the truck and recover the refrigerant. Then depending on the system, we would recommend a new AC Accumulator or an AC Receiver Drier assembly. Also, we would recommend replacement of the Orifice Tube or Expansion valve depending on system configuration. Another possibility would be that the temperature sensors or the pressure switches are not working correctly and allow the AC Compressor to run all the time creating a freeze up condition. If your Truck Air Conditioner System is Freezing Up or Truck Air Conditioning System Is Not Blowing Cold Air. Bring your Truck to us so can Diagnose Your Truck AC System